La regione fortezza (The fortified region)

The fortification system of Tyrol - planning, construction sites and the militarisation of the territory from Francis I to the Great War

Meetings and conferences , Book presentation

The book by Nicola Fontana La regione fortezza. Il sistema fortificato del Tirolo: pianificazione, cantieri e militarizzazione del territorio da Francesco I alla Grande Guerra (The Fortified Region: the fortification system of Tyrol - planning, construction sites and the militarisation of the territory from Francis I to the Great War) is the result of years of research in numerous archives. It reconstructs the stages of planning, design and construction of the fortresses in the southern part of Tyrol between the 19th and 20th centuries. The author examines the relationship between the construction of the forts, the human and material resources, the impact of the military sites on the territory, the relations between military garrisons and the population, the role of the fortresses in the militarisation process of the border area with the Kingdom of Italy. The development of these themes during and after the First World War is examined.

Nicola Fontana is responsible for the historical archive and library of the Rovereto War Museum, as well as being a member of the Società di Studi Trentini di Scienze Storiche (Trentino Association of Studies in Historical Sciences) and a founding member of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Festungsforschung in Vienna.
Franco Marzatico, Head of the Beni Culturali della Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Marco Bellabarba, Professor of Modern History at the University of Trento and Camillo Zadra, Director of the War Museumwill present the book.


organization: Museo storico italiano della Guerra.