Musica Riva Festival 2016
International meeting of young musicians. 33rd edition
A Stradivarius violin of 1680 in the hands of one of the new generation of Russian talents, an orchestra leader whom The Guardian considers to be as one of the living icons of Brazil, and an orchestra with a long history of two centuries: these are the ingredients of the great musical event opening the 33rd edition of Musica Riva Festival.
Saturday 23 July 2016, in the courtyard of the Riva Castle at 21.30, the prestigious international festival will open its new edition with high level concerts until 2 August.
11 days for 12 concerts, from Brahms to Verdi, through the classic repertoires and other genres, such as folkmusic from Murgia and the Irish rock, but also gospel and operetta: the agenda of concerts, curated by artistic director Mietta Sighele, aims at pleasing a wide, fond audience from Trentino, from Italy and from abroad.
As usual, it will be a virtuous encounter of artists from near and far, from all over the world, as well as from Trentino; their concerts will enhance the beauty of Garda and the treasures of our region.