Open palazzos in Trento
The municipalities of Trentino for the Cultural Heritage. "From the Palazzos in town to the villas in the counties"

“Open Palazzos”, a well-established event, now in its twelfth edition, will take place from 15 to 23 May, in collaboration with the local tourist office of Trento, Monte Bondone, Valle dei Laghi and the Autonomous Province of Trento.
This cultural project is promoted by the Office for culture, tourism and youth policy and it involves a lot of municipalities. Its purpose is to allow citizens and tourists to visit palazzos and historic sites all around Trentino - which are not usually open to the public – guided by expert art historians.
"From the Palazzos in town to the villas in the counties" is the specific theme for Trento chosen this year by the curators of the event to enhance the "hidden treasures" of the city in the best possible way. The sites included are nomerous; among them worth mentioning are: Casa Balduini, Palazzo Firmian, Villa Bertagnolli (in the area named Novaline), Villa Tambosi (Villazzano), Villa Salvadori (Gabbiolo), Villa Cazuffi ( Cadine), Villa Bortolazzi (Acquaviva), Masi Saracini (Cortesano) and Villa Margon (Ravina). Some of them have never been open to the public before now.
It’s also worth pointing out that, in most cases, the villas belong to private citizens that normally live in the building, and on this occasion they make available their own home to the public; hence, this is really a chance to seize.
Booking is compulsory for all visits to Open palazzos in Trento 2015. Guided tours are in limited numbers.
Azienda per il Turismo Trento, Monte Bondone, Valle dei Laghi
Via Manci, 2 - tel. 0461 216000 (open from Monday to Sunday: 9.00-19.00).
All visits are subject to admission charge: € 5,00 for each guided tour.
Free entrance for children, visitors up to 18 years of age, disabled persons and their helpers
organization: Comune di Trento Servizio Cultura, Turismo e Politiche giovanili