Oriente Occidente 2018
"The New Silk Road"
La Nuova Via della Seta - The New Silk Road- also called in English One Belt, One Road (OBOR), is the theme for the 2018 edition of Oriente Occidente, a festival which is always close to the crucial connections between art and the cultural, economic and social happenings that shape the world in which we live.
The New Silk Road is a massive infrastructure project presented some months ago by the Chinese prime minister Xi Jinping, aimed to link China to the rest of the World. The reference is to the ancient Silk Road, opened by Marco Polo and through which for centuries the East had dialogued peacefully with the West. The theme will be investigated hosting the best companies from both the East and West of the world, from Japan to China, from South-Korea to Northern Europe, from Spain to Italy.
In parallel it will dig into the connections between dance and urban architecture, visual art, inclusion, training and innovation. For a festival that presents itself as a cultural meeting point, in the city of Rovereto, of which it is a living testimony.
Source: https://www.orienteoccidente.it
Tickets can be bought online: www.orienteoccidente.it
or with credit card by calling the number: 0464 431660 from Monday to Friday: 10.00 - 13.00 / 15.00 - 18.00
organization: Associazione Incontri Internazionali di Rovereto