Religion Today Festival 2022


Born in 1997 as the first Italian festival of spiritual cinema and inter-religious dialogue, in 2022 it will celebrate its 25th anniversary, an important and demanding goal that leads us to look behind us, to measure our path.

The Religion Today Film Festival has come a long way, and today this appointment with religious cinema is well known and appreciated all over the world, it has many admirers and friends, it makes films travel but above all people and ideas.

Religion Today allows us to consolidate that image of Trentino as a land that has linked its fate to one of the most significant events in the spiritual history of the West - the Council of Trento - but which has been able to renew itself from those foundations with creativity, commitment and tenacity becoming a land of welcome, inter-religious dialogue, solidarity and peace.

25 years ago the themes migration and multiculturalism, now part of the fabric of an increasingly interconnected global community, were already in the air, even if they had not yet achieved the attention they deserve. In a world profoundly troubled by a global pandemic that has sown death and disease, these issues are as topical as ever and impose the need to fight the virus of selfishness and fear. Injecting into today's society robust antibodies capable of fighting the germs of racism, radicalism, extremism that threaten our community from within, that foment hatred rather than promote dialogue.

Religion Today is even more current, necessary to give space to ideas and all religions, filtering them through the art of cinema and its great protagonists, narrators of our time.

