Sentinels of stone 2018 | ARTE FORTE (ART in FORTS)

Waiting for the moment

Forte di Cadine [ Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino]

Contemporary art exhibition widespread in the Forts of Trentino as part of the "Sentinelle di Pietra" (“Sentinels of Stone”) review

The summer art event in the Austro-Hungarian forts of Trentino returns from 21st June to 23rd September.

The initiative called ARTE FORTE, which two years ago for its first edition has attracted the attention of the public and of the national press, this year extends to ten the number of forts involved, confirming in this way the absolute peculiarity, at the level both Italian and European, of this exhibition, unique because spread over an extended territory and located within one of the most important concentrations of defensive systems ever made by man. Into places once conceived for destruction, today has come art with its own universal language and its ability to open the eyes of the public on new visions.

Within ten Forts of Trentino are exhibited works by nineteen artists of different generations and nationalities who have been invited to reflect on the themes of time, of waiting and of suspension under the common denominator of the title of this year's edition of ARTE FORTE: "Waiting for the moment".

Their works, designed specifically for these exceptional exhibition places, have their own different expressive modalities and languages ​​ranging from painting to sculpture, to installation, to photography, to videos. Mariella Rossi - hers is the artistic direction - explains that, "the moment evoked is that of the end of the First World War of which this year marks the centenary and which did not represent the removal of conflicts and violence. The reference also goes to the individuals involved in the war and its effects, with the young soldiers suspended in the unchanging positions at the front and waiting for the heroic deed that often never happened, and with the families who were waiting at home for their children and husbands, many of whom never returned".
These are some of the good many suggestions on which this exhibition focuses this year, after having evoked, in the first edition, "The Babel of languages ​​and symbols linked to conflicts". Moreover, the reflections are released from the context of war and become universal, since the passage of time is a question that has always engaged artists, philosophers and philosophies, in different areas, from linguistics to aesthetics through existential philosophy, from ancient Greeks to Heidegger until today. The current era is that of a contracted time, of the "all-too-soon", of the moment to be shared immediately. The exhibition inside the forts, by its very nature diffused in places immersed in nature, can also stimulate this: times of fruition of sensations and art far from the frenzy. The artists invited to participate in the 2018 edition of Arte Forte are: Fausto Balbo, Bäst, Manuela Bedeschi, Silvio Cattani, Federica Cavallin, Giorgio Conta, Ruth Gamper, Annamaria Gelmi, Cecilia Gioria, Eduard Habicher, Bruno Lucchi, Udo Rein, Denis Riva, Flavio Rossi, Hermann Josef Runggaldier, Peter Senoner,Matthias Sieff, Jacques Toussaint,and Willy Verginer.

Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino
tel. +39 0461 230482


organization: Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino - Servizio Attività culturali della Provincia autonoma di Trento - Centro servizi culturali Santa Chiara