Sentinels of Stone 2019 - Frequenze Forti

Sensory hikes, feeling absorbed in the history which the fort encloses and recounts through sensations and vibrations


“...stones recount...” Sensory hike with wireless headset

Frequencies and antennas pick up signals, waves of history that the fort encloses in its walls, in its stones.

A treasure chest of sensations/vibrations that reveal a century of events, adventures and conquests.

Miscele d'Aria Factory creates a unique and emotional show, a journey that starts from the telegraph and catches up with smartphones, passing through radio and television.

All this is a timeline of sounds, designers of memories, which is mixed with the most important songs that have marked a time, from 1920 to the present day. Songs of protest, love, condemnation, and memory, not to forget.

 (Translation by Denis Cova, Sophie M. Scholl Language High School, Trento - “School and Work Project”)


Free admission

The visit lasts about 50 minutes

booking required

maximum number of participants per hike: 35 

organization: Miscela d'Aria Factory