Sentinels of Stone 2020
Shows for all audiences, including music, theatre and readings for children.

Shows for all audiences, including music, theatre and readings for children.
The festival dedicated to the forts of Trentino is ready to start again, with a different programme from the previous years, which will have to take into account the current anti Covid regulations (no more trekking or food and wine routes and greater distance between the public), but equally rich in content and food for thought. The festival offers three types of shows, with free admission, proposed by as many companies of our territory (I Teatri Soffiati, Il Teatro delle quisquilie and Miscele d'aria Factory), which from Saturday 11 July (Fort Larino), to Sunday 6 September (Forte Cadine) will take turns along the forts of Trentino.
The programme suits the current times, in the name of a greater sharing of large outdoor spaces (always in safety), which for the occasion will be transformed into impressive stages, ready to host shows for all kinds of audiences, including music, theatre and readings for children.Theatre of unspeakable human dramas, now made visitable thanks to an intense restoration work, the forts of Trentino are again ready to welcome the public, who can thus return to live these spaces full of history and memory, immersed in the sounds and scents of the surrounding nature.
An unmissable opportunity to spend a moment of fun, reflection and light-heartedness, thus returning to get excited again through the stories of history, surrounded by the beauty of nature.
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Free admission. Booking required at the address indicated from time to time
Booking required to take part in the events (free admission).
In order to respect social distancing, spectators are kindly asked to take a small blanket with them.
In case of bad weather, the events will be cancelled.
Keep updated about schedules, locations and modalities for participation with the website
organization: Fondazione museo storico del Trentino (Trentino history museum foundation)