Società Filarmonica Trento - Season 2015

From January to December, eighteen unexpected and exciting concerts are what the world of music can offer at present time.

Classical music
Il Quartetto Kelemen []

The “Ensemble Zefiro”, widely known on the international level for its 18th century chamber music repertoire with antique instruments, opens the season of the Società Filarmonica di Trento scheduled for 2015. Eighteen unexpected and exciting concerts - which are what the world of music can offer at present time – ensue from a choice made according to an accurate art project open to the newest artists’ generations, aged 25 to 50. These artists are sensitive and have a keen artistic temperament; among them are: Kelemen Quartet ("Borciani prize 2014"), DiotimaQuartet with clarinetist/composer Jorg Widmann, Sitkovetsky Trio, AurynQuartet with Christian Poltera and Matthias Buchholz and the ensemble with clarinet, Alstaedt, Bieri and Schuch.


SEASON TICKET: to be booked by Email or by phone (0461-985244):
Full price: Euro 200
Reduced price: Euro 170

Admission ticket: Euro 25
Reduced price ticket: Euro 18

Reduced price is available for young persons of up to 25 years of age and people over 65 years of age

organization: Società Filarmonica Trento