Società Filarmonica Trento - Season 2016
From January to December many outstanding musicians will perform in concerts offering us interpretations more and more diverse and original.
The Società Filarmonica di Trento, for its Season 2016, aims at leading its increasingly wider public along the paths of chamber music, through its repertoire and through new interpretations.
It's a quite mature generation of musicians (aged 25-50); many of them can boast international careers and are welcome back to Trento; some others arrive in our city, or even in Italy for the first time.
President: Lorenzo Arnoldi
Art director: Antonio Carlini
Libretto Stagione Filarmonica 2016.pdf 2,86 MB
- full price ticket € 25
- reduced price ticket € 18 (over 65)
- reduced price ticket € 8 (up to the age of 25)
Tickets can also be bought online on:
- full price: € 200
- reduced price: € 170
Membership fee: € 10.
organization: Società Filarmonica di Trento