Special Events - Theatre season 2016 - 2017

l'interno del teatro Sociale [ Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara]

The THEATRE FESTIVAL on 22 October 2016 will involve spectators of all ages in a whirlwind of emotions.

Children and adults will have free access to the “Teatro Socialestarting from 16.00, and their curiosity and fantasy will be aroused by surreal and dreamlike beings which will entertain everybody till evening.

Conceived as a combination of an installation and a performance, «LES IRRÉELS» ("The unreal ones"), by the original French artists of the Compagnie Créature, are fantastic characters, a population parallel to humans, fantastic beings endowed with a magical power that comforts anyone meeting them on their way.

In this original and charming show, the word is replaced by the poetry of the image, with a close and continuous contact between the public and spectator.

Not to be missed are other two events organised by the Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara for Yuletide:

on Saturday 24 December at 16.00 the Canadian acting company “Les 7 doigts de la main” will make their debut at the "Teatro Sociale" with the show CUISINE ET CONFESSIONS, which will be then replayed from Sunday 25 to Wednesday 28 December 2016 at 20.30.

On New Year's Eve and on 1 January, the  SONICS  are welcome back to Trento to perform TOREN, their new acrobatic adventure (at the "Teatro Sociale"). On 31 December 2016 the show will start at 21.00 and on 1 January 2017 at 18.00.

organization: Centro servizi culturali S. Chiara