Summertime 2021 - Activities for families

Meetings and conferences , Workshop

The museum garden comes alive with activities for the whole family to discover more about science, environmental sustainability, plants, vegetables and much more...

23 June
Science in the Garden and The Garden Gang

7 July

Science Snacks and Science training

14 July
Let's score a goal and Nitrogen-mania

21 July
What happened to the glaciers? and Nitrogen-mania

28 July

The Garden of Aromas and Science in the Garden

4 August
Paper Gliders and Blast at the museum

11 August
Optical illusions and Science training

18 August
Birdgarden and The fabulous world of Rina the bee

25 August

Let's score a goal and The disgusting things

1 September
The messy astronaut and Blast at the museum

15 September
Science in the Garden and The Garden Gang

22 September

What happened to the glaciers? and The disgusting things



free event; booking required

In case of bad weather the event will be cancelled. The cancellation will be communicated on the day of the event via the museum's online channels.