Tales of Science

4 dates with science stories

Meetings and conferences , Reading

Four meetings for children aged 6-12 to talk about science and nature, starting with the reading of extracts from the second edition of "Raccontascienza", the book that collects the stories resulting from a literary competition in which the researchers and research support staff of STAR - Sistema Trento Alta Formazione e Ricerca - took part.

27 July at 18.00:

Fabulous Ecology - Climate change and sustainable lifestyles explained to children

3 August at 18.00:
Peat bogs and migrations: a journey through the memories of yesterday to understand today's world

With Elisabetta Perini (Contact person for doctoral programmes and international mobility, FEM), Chiara Steffanini (naturalist, MUSE), Michele Toss (Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino).

10 August at 18.00:
Einstein and the Gino chick: from the theory of relativity to Archimedes' principle
With Francesca Guerzoni (webmaster, FBK), Matteo Serra (scientific populariser, FBK).

17 August at 18.00:
Stories of bees, beehives and biodiversity. With Floriana Marin (scientific communicator, FEM), Alberto Debiasi (researcher, FBK) and Paolo Fontana (researcher, FEM)

The book
“Raccontascienza (Tales of Science) II – 21 fabulous tales for readers aged 6-12 

The authors of the stories are people working in the research and administration sectors of the Bruno Kessler Foundation, the University of Trento, the Edmund Mach Foundation and the MUSE Science Museum, who have embarked on a new experience: dealing with scientific topics by imagining an audience of young readers.


free event, booking required.

The events will also be streamed live on the MUSE YouTube channel.