The museum and the town. Thematic itineraries exploring Trento - 2nd edition

An initiative promoted by the Tridentine Diocesan Museum that will end after a fascinating journey into history and art

Cultural exhibitions and events , Guided tour
Piazza Duomo con il museo [ Museo diocesano tridentino]

The activity, addressing an adult audience, intends to inform about the vital and multiform relation between the Museum and the town, between the heritage preserved in the rooms at Pretorio Palace and the history and art characterising the churches, squares, streets and palaces in Trento.

Each meeting will be characterised by a different theme, developed through the combination of a guided tour at the museum – in contact with the works from the permanent collection – and a walk through the town, in the streets of the historical town centre. The themes developed by these itineraries range from the history of the Cathedral to the places where the Tridentine Council held, from the famous story of Simon of Trento to the church of San Francesco Saverio.

To attend the meeting it is necessary to book by calling at the number 0461.234419. It is possible to join one or more itineraries. The cost of each meeting is 5 Euros. All the meetings begin at 10 at the museum’s ticket office.

organization: Museo Diocesano Tridentino