Trentino Book Festival 2016
The 6th edition of the festival will be dedicated to the "Limit"

Caldonazzo and Levico lakes have just seen confirmed the European Blue Flag for the quality of their beaches. Between the lake and the town hall square in Caldonazzo you have to walk only a mile to get to the heart of the TrentinoBookFestival’s places.
This is in fact the 6th edition of an important and interesting event dedicated to books and authors, but also to art and theatre.
It will take place from 16 to 19 June and it will be dedicated to the “Limit”, and just to mention some celebrities, the rich programme sees the participation of Sveva Casati Modignani, Giulietto Chiesa, Gianluigi Nuzzi, Magdi Cristiano Allam, of the famous Italian singer-songwriter Roberto Vecchioni and a celebration of Roald Dahl, a centenary after his death…
The Trentino Book Festival also goes beyond physical limits, since many are its venues: from the sports arena to the theatre, from the park to the library, from the house of the culture to the pine forest!
organization: Associazione di Promozione Sociale "Balene di Montagna".