Trento Film Festival 2017
Mountain, Society, Cinema, Literature
This year, every record has been broken, with more than 600 film applications. The program counts 118 scheduled films, of which 22 films competing for the prizes, and 110 events, not only evening-shows but also meetings, exhibitions and conferences.
At the headquarters of CAI in Milan, during the press conference scheduled on April 4th, the Trento Film Festival has announced the program of the 65. edition (April 27 – May 7). The program is characterised by several prestigious events, with famous personalities from the world of mountaineering, cinema, culture, and performing arts, and by a high quality film program. Romano Prodi, Giuseppe De Rita and the archbishop of Trento, Lauro Tisi, among the guests of the 2017 edition. Performing artists Teresa Mannino and Fabio Volo will also take part to the festival.
For Iceland, “Guest country” of the section “Destination”, a rich program of activities has been designed, in collaboration with the Consulate General of Iceland and the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto.
Three remarkable mountaineering evenings on the agenda: “Il fascino dell’impossibile” (The charm of the impossible) with Reinhold Messner (April 27, 9 p.m., Auditorium S. Chiara); “Climbing games. Da Bardonecchia 1985 a Tokyo 2020” (Climbing games. From Bardonecchia 1985 to Tokyo 2020) with Adam Ondra and important guests from the sport climbing world(April 28, 9 p.m., Auditorium S. Chiara); “Metanoia: un omaggio e una rinascita” (Metanoia: a tribute and a rebirth), with Thomas Huber, Roger Schaeli and Stephan Siegrist with the participation of Connie Lowe (May 4 maggio, 9 p.m., Auditorium S. Chiara).
This year, Reinhold Messner will attend the festival also as director with the preview of his film “Still Alive – Dramma sul Monte Kenya” (Still Alive – Drama am Mount Kenia) (May l, 9 p.m., Supercinema Vittoria).
A spectacular evening-show will be dedicated to our planet, “SOS terra, abbiamo un problema” (SOS earth, we have got a problem), starring astronaut Umberto Guidoni, meteorologist Luca Lombroso and with the “introduction” of Teresa Mannino(May 3, 9 p.m., Auditorium S. Chiara).
The program also includes adventure events with Mira Rai, the Nepalese trail runner awarded by National Geographic as “Adventurer of the Year 2017” (May 5, 9 p.m., Supercinema Vittoria), and with explorer Alex Bellini (May 7, 11 a.m., at Muse).
Muse, the Municipality of Trento, together with Rete Riserve Monte Bondone and Apt Trento-Bondone organise a set of initiatives focused on Mount Bondone and on the environment surrounding us.
MontagnaLibri, the festival’s book fair, will host numerous authors, from Mauro Corona to Franco Perlotto, from Robert Peroni to Paolo Cognetti.
A rich program of exhibitions will lead the public in the discovery of the fascinating landscapes of Iceland, and of an unexpected vision of the mountain from different perspectives.
Finally, for the younger public, this years marks the debut of “TFF Family”, a festival’s section gathering all initiatives run at the “Parco dei Mestieri” and those addressed to families and children.
organization: Trento Film Festival