Unarmed bodies. Events
A series of meetings to integrate the exhibition “Unarmed bodies”, hosted at Palazzo Eccheli-Baisi in Brentonico

During the exhibition “Unarmed bodies: surviving the war ”, hosted at Palazzo Eccheli-Baisi in Brentonico, the Trentino history museum foundation organises a series of conferences in collaboration with the Municipality of Brentonico, the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Civic library of Trento, the University of Trento, the Italian Red Cross-Provincial Committee of Trento and with the contribution of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Trento and Rovereto. In the conferences, some of the aspects of the exhibition will be analysed in depth: the role of religions and of their priests, the economic cost of the conflict, the diary as daily record of the war experience.
Particular attention will be paid to the role of the International Red Cross in the organisation of the healthcare for the soldiers.
All the conferences will be held in Trento (at the Department of Sociology, in the spaces of the association “Officina dell'autonomia” or at the Civic library) with the presence of academics from different Universities and Italian research centres. The only foreign guest will be François Bugnion, member of the international Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva.
Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino