Waiting for the Theatre of Wonder Festival
The spirit of the Theatre of Wonder
In spite of the impediments caused by the pandemic and of the limits imposed by an objectively complex situation for theatres, there is still a desire to move forward and to seek... wonder. While preparing the next edition of the Teatro della Meraviglia (Theatre of Wonder), we are approaching the beginning of the festival with a series of online events that represent its spirit and anticipate some of its themes.
free events
The Teatro della Meraviglia Festival is a joint project of the Compagnia Arditodesìo, Teatro Portland, Opera Universitaria and the University of Trento. The artistic and scientific direction is by Andrea Brunello and Stefano Oss, the organisation is by Teatro Portland.
As of this year, the festival is partly supported by a grant from Europa Creativa within the CURIOUS project (Culture as a Unique Resource to Inspire, Outreach & Understand Science - projectcurious.eu). The Festival also enjoys the support of the Fondazione Cassa Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto, the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Municipality of Trento and the Trentino Alto Adige Region.
For further information please contact the Portland Theatre secretariat:
tel. 0461 924470
cell. 339 1313989