Discover, explore, get to know #ilmuseoacasatua
A virtual tour to discover the Sass Underground Archaeological Space, the Fiavè Pile dwelling Museum and the Museo Retico (Rhaetic Museum)

We invite you to take a virtual journey back in time to get to know the ancient history of Trentino, by discovering with us, step by step, the exhibition itineraries of the Sass Underground Archaeological Space , the Fiavè Pile dwelling Museum and the Museo Retico (Rhaetic Museum) - Centre for the archaeology and ancient history of the Val di Non (Sanzeno).
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Facebook: Soprintendenza per i beni culturali Trento
Instagram: @soprintendenza_beni_culturali
Provincia autonoma di Trento - Soprintendenza per i beni culturali - Ufficio beni archeologici
Via Mantova, 67 - 38122 Trento
Tel. 0461 492161