And yet I'm not afraid
(Women's memories from Ravensbrück's concentration camp)

Curated by Club Armonia; text and direction by Renzo Fracalossi.
Ravensbrück was the only concentration and then extermination camp which during the Holocaust was destined to women, according to the will of Himmler, who wanted it to be a "model camp". Over six years more than 130,000 women from twenty European countries were interned there : housewives, doctors, artists, politicians, prostitutes, disabled, opponents, gypsies and Jewish, who were only guilty of being considered "inferior" in the mad hierarchy of Nazi racism.
Every minute in Ravensbrück unbearable tragedies took place: torture, disease, forced labor, arbitrary executions, and medical experiments, until, towards the end of the war, the camp became even an extermination camp in order to delete quickly the evidence of what had happened. In this way more than 90,000 women, often with their children in their arms, "disappeared" in the smoke of the fire, in a few months.
For decades, the horrible truth of Ravensbrück was kept secret, but this truth tells us how deep violence against women is rooted in the greatest crime in history.
The Club Armonia
The Club Armonia started its activity in Trento in 1904 as a mandolin club; it is one of the oldest cultural associations in the province. For over one hundred and ten years the club's mission was to pass on the story of popular culture, through music and theatre, by keeping alive the dialect language; more recently, it aims at telling the history of Trentino, Italy and Europe in the form of civil theatre.
organization: Servizio Attività culturali della Provincia autonoma di Trento in collaborazione con Club Armonia e Circoscrizione Oltrefersina