Architecture and didactics

Spaces for education

Meetings and conferences

Lecturer Beate Weyland, associate professor in didactics at the University of Bolzano. 

One of the themes at the centre of his research is the relationship between pedagogy and architecture, and the relationship between educational innovation and design. School spaces can offer well-being and arouse curiosity and interest, both driving force of learning. "Architecture is too important to be left to architects". (Giancarlo De Carlo)

Presentation by Carlo Tamanini.

The event is promoted by the Civic library of Rovereto and by the Mart - Education Area -, and the contribution of the cultural association “Il Furore dei Libri” - Amici della Biblioteca

The meetings are recognized as refresher course for teachers (January-February 2019)


Free admission

The Civic Library of Rovereto and the Mart have been collaborating for years on shared projects.

In 2019, the series of meetings "Leggere oggi" ("Reading Today") continues with new appointments involving university professors, writers, scholars, designers and artists, with the contribution of the cultural association “Il Furore dei Libri” - Amici della Biblioteca.

Admission and events: free. For information and contact:

organization: "G. Tartarotti" civic library of Rovereto