Archaeological Park "Archeo Natura" of Fiavé

A journey into prehistoric times between archaeology and nature to discover the UNESCO world heritage site of the peat bog of Fiavé.

Parco Archeo Natura di Fiavé ph Tommaso Prugnola [ Archivio Soprintendenza per i beni culturali PAT]

A fascinating journey through time, diving into the past, into the atmosphere of the pile-dwelling village of Fiavé to experience the life of our Bronze Age ancestors. Between Lake Garda and the Brenta Dolomites, in Fiavé, in the Valli Giudicarie, where once was the ancient Carera Lake, the pile-dwelling village rises today, in an environment of great value.

A path of discovery and knowledge in the evocative scenery of the Fiavé-Carera nature reserve , a few dozen metres from the archaeological area where the remains of the posts that supported the prehistoric buildings are still visible. This is an area of great historical and natural interest and which been awarded three UNESCO recognitions.

The Fiavé pile-dwellings, together with those at Molina di Ledro, are part of the transnational site “Prehistoric Pile-Dwelling Sites around the Alps”, included by UNESCO in the World Heritage List in 2011. This includes 111 settlements, chosen from around a thousand pile-dwellings dating back to between the 6th and 1st millennium BC, distributed around Switzerland, Austria, France, Germany, Slovenia and Italy.

Moreover, the Giudicarie area has been recognised as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, and the nearby Brenta Dolomites have also been declared a World Heritage Site.

The Archeo Natura Park and the archaeological area , together with the Pile dwelling Museum , located in an ancient rural building in the village of Fiavé, form a true archaeological centre, full of surprises for visitors of all ages. All this is an invitation to adventure and exploration of the past along an engaging route with installations illustrating life at the time of the pile dwellings, information panels, a visitor centre with films and multimedia equipment, rest areas as well as spaces dedicated to families and children.

During the summer, the Park and the Pile Dwelling Museum offer a busy and interesting programme of activities organised by the “Servizi educativi” (office for educational activities) of the Archaeological Heritage Office with shared visits, demonstration archaeology days, educational theatre workshops and meetings with archaeologists, readings (with theatrical performance), shows and exhibitions.


During the school year, the Park offers activities and educational tours for schools.

Here are the educational courses and workshops for schools: At School with Archaeology


From June to September, the Archeo Natura Park and the Pile dwelling Museum  - located in the village of Fiavé -  offer "Summer in a Pile-Dwelling", a series of initiatives for the public of all ages to discover the fascinating world of the pile-dwellings, accompanied by the museum educators of the Provincial Archaeological Heritage Office.



How to get to the archaeological area  and the Pile dwelling Museum :

 Mappa dal Museo al Parco.pdf 216,81 kB


See the map of the Archeo Natura Park: 

 Parco Archeo Natura Fiavé_mappa.pdf 10,85 MB


Booking is recommended for priority access in case of numerous visitors:

Book now


Parking: The parking area is located at Dos Gustinaci. Parking is permitted at the entrance to the Parco Archeo Natura and in the garden of the Museo delle Palafitte only in cases of reduced physical mobility, by calling the staff at the ticket office (Park: 331 1739336 - Museum: 0465 735019).


Watch the video: 


2021 - 10 years UNESCO World Heritage „Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps“

In 2021, the „Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps“ celebrates the tenth anniversary of its status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

Of the more than 1000 known pile dwellings in central Europe, only 111 representative sites in France, Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia, Austria and Germany were selected to receive this special status and recognition. Among them there are Trentino's pile dwellings of Fiavé and Ledro.

Discover the UNESCO World Heritage pile dwellings in the Alps and the anniversary events:

Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps 

Italian Pile Dwellings

See the second issue of the Palafittes News magazine edited by the International Coordination Group (ICG) of the UNESCO World Heritage transnational serial site and find out the latest news on the research, protection and enhancement projects of the prehistoric pile dwellings of the Alpine arc:  Palafittes News

visitable: no | suitable for: children - adults - families - scholars - university students - schools

opening times


1 April - 19 June: Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays and public holidays 13 -18

24 June - 31 August: daily 10-19

September: daily 10-18

1 - 15 October: daily 10-17


Educational courses and workshops for schools and groups (minimum 15 participants): booking required.

Info: - tel. 0461 492161


Admission (including entrance to the Pile-Dwelling Museum of Fiavé): € 7; reduced price ticket: € 5 euro; free admission up to 14 years of age / for groups / and groups of students accompanied by their teachers; agreement with Museum Pass and Trentino Guest Card

Guided tour: € 3 

Educational workshop: € 4

Schools: free admission, educational activities 2 euros

The reduced admission fee (€ 5) applies: 

  • to young people from 15 to 26 years of age
  • persons aged 65 years and over
  • groups of visitors consisting of at least 15 paying visitors
  • to members or card-carrying members of entities that have an agreement with the museum.

Reduced rate 3.5 euro for residents of the municipality of Fiavé and the municipalities of the Giudicarie Esteriori: Comano Terme, Bleggio Superiore, San Lorenzo Dorsino, Stenico

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