Palazzo of the "Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme"

The striking palazzo is seat of the Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme and holds its documents and traditions. With its embattled walls, the building is Medieval in origin, but was transformed into a summer residence for the Bishops during the Renaissance.

The striking palazzo is seat of the Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme and holds its documents and traditions.
With its superb architectural shapes, decorations and coats of arms, this famous palazzo reflects the glories of the Prince-Bishops of Trento, who lavished its sacred and profane features upon it.
With its embattled walls, the building is Medieval in origin, but was transformed into a summer residence for the Bishops during the Renaissance. It currently keeps being seat and property of the Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme, which maintained its autonomy in terms of rights to firewood and grazing.
It also hosts a unique picture gallery, housing 18th century paintings of the Fiemmese School, the dungeons, a Civic Museum as well as an archive, which safeguards the rights, investitures and relics of the Comunità.


opening times

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Notes on the accessibility to the site

The riserved parking space is located in via Bonelli, by the seat of Comunità territoriale Val di Fiemme. The area surroungding the palace is paved with cobblestones. Some rooms are accessible via ramps (slope ranging from 8% to 15%) or using a lift platform (dimensions: 80x180 cm). The indicated lift includes Braille signage. The wheelchair accessible toilets are fitted with a grab bar installed on the side of the wc opposite to the one approached.

Information collected by the staff of the Cooperative Handicrea 

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