The hydroelectric power plant Fies - Dro
The hydroelectric power plant in Fies is one of the most important testimonies of industrial archaeology in Trentino.

The hydroelectric power plant in Fies is one of the most important testimonies of industrial archaeology in this region. The old plant was transformed in theatre centre, in a territory that wasn’t in possess of such a structure because being too far from the metropolis. Therefore it tends to be isolated and marginated from the cultural and social trends assaulting the big cities bringing spirit, movement and renewal.
The Fies Plant is a centre of “spaces for the creation of performing arts” aiming to become a point of reference of contemporary culture for the Province Trentino and Italy, bringing innovatory events to the area and trying to involve more and more public and new generations, through aimed activities and a fair prices policy.
The Festival Drodesera Fies animates since several years this structure thanks to the partnership with the Enel.
Il Gaviale Soc. Coop.
Via Gramsci, 13 - 38074 Dro (TN)
Tel. 0464 504700
Notes on the accessibility to the site
The building can be reached by car, informing the staff in advance and displaying the disabled parking card. The entry courtyard surface is made of gravel, very thick in some parts.
The indicated front door dimensions (door open during the performances) are the same of the entrance doors to Sala Turbina 1 and Sala Turbina 2,on the ground floor. The two stalls areas have tiered seating arrangement, but front row seating is wheelchair accessible. The access to the stages is via a 115 cm long and 73 cm wide ramp (slope: 9%).
On the ground floor, there are other barrier-free rooms: Forgia (150 cm wide door), Galleria dei Trasformatori (248 cm wide entry way) and Foyer (door width: 130+130 cm).
The Forgia courtyard has thick gravel surface. The halls on the upper floors are accessible only by stairs: Ponte di Controllo on the 1st floor, Sala Mezzelune and Sala Comando on the 2md floor. Further 3 steps are on the way to Sala Comando. There is a small wooden platform in the ample courtyard, with a differemce in height from 7 to 13 cm. The park (grass surface) is accessible, as well as the wood paved cafeteria. The two wheelchair accessible toilets have the same dimensions and are both preceded by a 201 cm long ramp (slope: 17%); they are located close to Sala Turbina 1/2 and to the cafeteria, and are fitted with grab bar installed on the first approached side of the wc, open-front toilet seat amd 78 cm high sink.
Information collected by the staff of the Cooperative Handicrea