FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler
FBK is the top Research Institute in Italy, ranked at the 1st place for scientific excellence within 3 different subject areas and for the economic and social impact according to the latest quality of research ANVUR evaluation.

FBK is the top Research Institute in Italy, ranked at the 1st place for scientific excellence within 3 different subject areas and for the economic and social impact according to the latest quality of research ANVUR evaluation.
With its 3,500 square meters of laboratories and scientific infrastructures and a community of over 400 researchers, 140 doctoral students, 200 visiting fellows and thesis students, 700 affiliates and accredited students combined, Fondazione Bruno Kessler acts as a scientific and technological hub, its premises and platforms hosting a lively ecosystem of co-located ventures, spin-offs, projects and training opportunities.
The result of more than half a century of history, through 11 centres dedicated to technology and innovation and to the humanities and social sciences, FBK aims to achieve excellent results in the scientific and technological field with particular regard to interdisciplinary approaches and the application dimension.
Science and Technology Centre
ICT Centre in Information and Communication Technology
CMM Centre for Materials and Microsystems
ECT* Centro European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and related Areas
Humanities and Social Sciences Centre
ISIG Italian-German Historical Institute
IRVAPP Research Institute for the evaluation of Public Policies
ISR Center for Religious Studies
FBK at a glance
- 400+researchers
- 140+PhD students from 25 different Countries
- 200+thesis students, visiting professor, visitors
- 700+students involved in the FBK activities
- 76.7 Mpatrimonio immobiliare
- 3.500 sq m labs for scientific research
- 230.000 and more titles in a special library
Source: https://www.fbk.eu/it/
Sede legale - Polo delle Scienze Umane e Sociali [mappa]
Via Santa Croce, 77
38122 TRENTO
Sede del Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico [mappa]
Via Sommarive, 18 - POVO
38123 TRENTO