Roman Villa of Orpheus

A prestigious residence built outside the city walls of Tridentum. The archaeological site opened its doors to the public on 21 June 2023.

Villa romana di Orfeo, foto Luca Chistè [ Archivio Ufficio beni archeologici PAT]

Among the numerous remains of Tridentum - the Roman city of Trento - unearthed by archaeologists, the Villa of Orpheus is an archaeological evidence of considerable interest. It is a rich residence located outside the city walls. Built during the 1st century AD and inhabited until the 3rd century AD, it is divided into two parts separated by an open space. Of particular note is a large ceremonial room paved entirely with a precious polychrome mosaic, which portrays Orpheus while charming animals with his music. The villa had numerous rooms, including thermal baths with a dressing room and a hot bath room, and a second room finely decorated with mosaics. It also had big gardens.

The Villa of Orpheus can be visited from 21 June from Tuesday to Sunday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00. From 21 to 26 June, at 10.00, at 11.30, at 15.00 and at 16.30, the Office for educational activities of the Archaeological Heritage Office organises free guided tours. Booking is required by tel. no. 0461 230171.

The admission ticket, which also includes access to the S.A.S.S. Underground Archaeological Space in Piazza Cesare Battisti, costs € 5, reduced price ticket € 4, while it will be free for children up to 14 years of age and for schools. Like the S.A.S.S., the villa will be affiliated with the Museum Pass and Trentino Guest Card.

Guided tours, workshops and various activities are proposed throughout the summer by the Office for educational activities of the Archaeological Heritage Office, to let visitors get to know the Roman Tridentum.




During the school year, the archaeological site will offer activities and educational tours for schools.


At the Roman Villa of Orpheus in Trento, Stefan Hagel's suggestions of ancient music

While the last work for the arrangement of the exhibition route of the Roman Villa of Orpheus in Trento was nearing completion, this archaeological site played host to the evocative ancient melodies by Stefan Hagel, director of the Ancient Music Research Group of the Archaeological Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, and one of the world's leading experts on ancient music.

Among the remains of Tridentum, in the presence of the splendid polychrome mosaic depicting Orpheus while charming animals with the sound of the lyre, Hagel played an ancient stringed instrument that he reconstructed on the basis of careful and in-depth organological studies.


Find out more here

  • See also

Discover, explore, get to know #ilmuseoacasatua

We invite you to take a virtual journey back in time to get to know the ancient history of Trentino, by discovering with us, step by step, the exhibition itineraries of the Sass Underground Archaeological Space    , the Fiavè Pile dwelling Museum     and the Museo Retico (Rhaetic Museum) -     Centre for the archaeology and ancient history of the Val di Non     (Sanzeno). 


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visitable: yes | suitable for: children - adults - families - scholars - university students - schools | disabled access

opening times

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

From 1 June to 30 September:  9.30-13 / 14-18

From 1 October to 31 May:  9-13 / 14-17.30

Closed on Monday (if not holiday), 1 January, 1 November and 25 December


Admission ticket (includes admission to the Spazio Archeologico Sotterraneo del Sas | Sas Underground Archaeological Space ): € 5 euro; reduced price ticket € 4; free admission: children and young people up to the age of 14, and for groups and students accompanied by their teachers. Price agreement with Trentino Guest Card   and Museum Pass   .

Guided tours: € 3

Educational workshop: € 4

The reduced price ticket (€ 4) is valid for:

  • young people aged 15 - 26;
  • older adults (65 and over);
  • groups of at least 15 paying persons;
  • museum members or members of institutions affiliated with the museum: see list Cards agr. SASS.pdf 88,33 kB Reduced price ticket for families:

    - the cost of a reduced price ticket for one or both parents with one or more underage children;

    - the cost of a reduced price ticket for grandparents with one or more  underage grandchildren;

    - the cost of a full price ticket for one or both parents with one or more underage children and with their grandparents. The family unit must enter compactly.

Schools: free admission; educational activity: € 2


Small dogs held in arms or in carriers are permitted.

organized by Archaeological Heritage Office of the Department for Cultural Heritage

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