Science and archaeology museum of Rovereto

Research and scientific dissemination are the guidelines of the seven sections that enliven the panorama of the institution

Two scientific film festivals, science web TV and an immense online data bank.

Founded in 1851, the Museo Civico of Rovereto makes you understand why the city is called the “Athens of Trentino”. It has seven sections with often unique collections, like as the birds one, the most important regional collection in Italy.

The museum also accompanies visitors on several external itineraries, all of them exciting.

Robotics and new technologies find here a reference point to European projects.

The Museum is also cinema, with Discovery on Film and the Rassegna Internazionale del Cinema Archeologico [International Archaeological Film Festival].

The new science web tv should be put immediately on your favourites bar.  On the website you will find exclusive services and extraordinary online data banks, like the botanical data archive.

Not to be missed are the photographic libraries on the pre-Columbian sites, with more than 80 thousand images never published before, and on the 'secret sites' of Ancient Egypt.

The geological bibliography, a precious source for geologists, collaborates with the University of Padua and with the  Geological Service of the Autonomous Province of Trento.

Source: https://www.visittrentino

visitable: yes | suitable for: families | disabled access

opening times


Notes on the accessibility to the site

The entrance gate is always open. A lift (door opening width: 90 cm; dimensions: 150x138 cm) gives access to the library and the educational space and laboratories. The access to the stage in the conference room is via a 180 cm long ramp with a slope of 9%. The indicated wheelchair accessible toilets are fitted with grab bars on both sides of the wc. There are other dedicated toilets (door width: 90 cm; romm sizes: 180x180 cm).

Information collected by the staff of the Cooperative Handicrea

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