Teatro Monsignor Caproni di Levico

[ oratoriolevico.blogspot.it]

La struttura dell'Oratorio al suo interno dispone di un Teatro con 250 posti. Il teatro è stato ristrutturato nel 2000 e dispone delle più recenti tecnologie nei campi di amplificazione, illuminazione e videoproiezione. La sala del teatro viene spesso utilizzata per rappresentazioni teatrali, spettacoli, conferenze e concerti. Inoltre dispone anche di un impianto cinematografico per la videoproiezione di film su pellicola

suitable for: families | disabled access

opening times

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

According to events

Notes on the accessibility to the site

The street between the reserved parking space and the theatre entrance is sloping. It is also possible to park in the internal parking: please inform the staff in advance and display the disabled parking card. The indicated door is the secondary entrance. The front door can be opened only from inside and has a 3 cm high doorstep.The lower part of the stalls is wheelchair accessible (slope: 4%). The access to the higher part is via 2 steps (riser: 19 cm). The wheelchair accessible toilets are located near the main entrance and are fitted with a handrail: the access is via a 190 cm long ramp (slope: 8%).


Information collected by the staff of the Cooperative Handicrea 

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