Teatro Sociale Gustavo Modena

Costruito nel 1802-1803, è dedicato a Gustavo Modena (1803-1861), ritenuto il più grande attore italiano dell'Ottocento, il cui padre Giacomo nacque a Mori nel 1757.

[ Comune di Mori]
suitable for: families | disabled access

opening times

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Apertura secondo gli spettacoli

Notes on the accessibility to the site

The indicated entrance is the secondary one, the door has a vertical handle high from 95 to 115 cm. The main entrance has a 3.5 cm step, preceded by large cracked water drainage grids, a door that is always open (166 cm wide), an entrance door (148 cm wide) and a 160 cm long ramp (slope of '11%). The audience, that can be traveled along the entire perimeter, has places reserved for people with disabilities in the last rows. Access to the stage with 6 steps 18 cm high. In the toilets there is a handrail.

Information collected by the staff of the Cooperative Handicrea 

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