44th Marcialonga

The Marcialonga, well-known international cross-country skiing competition in the magical valleys of Val di Fiemme and Fassa, is in its 44th year.

Cultural exhibitions and events

The mythical Marcialonga, well-known international cross-country skiing competition, comes back in its 44th edition. Thousands of "Bisonti", so are called the participants to the race, leave Moena in the morning to reach Cavalese after 70 km, passing through Canazei, Predazzo, Lago di Tesero and climbing the final ramp that leads to the arrival. 

Along the track thousands of fans, supporting the skiers to the last one. The final reward is a bunch of... marvellous fireworks!

All day long Cavalese is animated by gastronomic stands, live tv broadcasting and merchandising by Marcialonga.

Every year athletes from all around the world come to the Marcialonga, thus representing a great moment of international sport and friendship

Throughout its history, Marcialonga has been enriched by several side events that make even more spectacular the weekend dedicated to the cross country ski: Marcialonga Story, a revival with equipment prior to 1976; Minimarcialonga, for children from 6 to 12 years; Marcialonga Young for U 13, U15, U17 & U18 young X-C skiers, and also Marcialonga Baby, a stroll on the snow for children up to 6 years.

Source: www.visitfiemme.it 

organization: Comuni di Fiemme e Fassa

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