An amulet for eternity

GIOCOSAmente in MUSEO (Let's play at the museum)

Meetings and conferences - suitable for children , families
[ Archivio fotografico Castello del Buonconsiglio Monumenti e collezioni provinciali - tutti i diritti riservati - A. Ceolan 2011]

Included in the project GIOCOSAmente in MUSEO (Let's play at the museum), here's an event taking place on Sunday 11 February which focuses on Ancient Egypt:

through the discovery of some objects on display in the rooms dedicated to the museum's collection of Egyptian antiquities, families will have the opportunity to learn more about the fascinating concept of afterlife in ancient Egypt, by creating an original good luck charm and practicing with writing in hieroglyphics .


8 € per family

Info and bookings

Servizi educativi del museo:
0461 492811 from Monday to Friday, 9.00 to 13.00


organization: Museo Castello del Buonconsiglio - Monumenti e collezioni provinciali

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