An upside-down story

La Baracca / Testoni Ragazzi
UNA STORIA SOTTOSOPRA ("An upside-down story")
by Andrea Buzzetti, Enrico Montalbani, Carlotta Zinicon Andrea Buzzetti, Carlotta Zini
illustrations by Enrico Montalbani
Two surreal characters live on different floors, move on opposite sides and observe things from two different points of view.
Everyone lives their habitual life with their own certainties, their fears, with the fear and the curiosity to meet others.
Then, one day, they meet each other thanks to a reddish cat that "lives" on both floors and puts them, in spite of themselves, in a sort of communication, in which spaces are reversed; the points of view cross each other in a new, reversed and shared space. Here, words told through their eyes, and words written on paper turn into a story.
Recommended age: over 2 years old