At Carnival anything goes

How many mysterious figures are hiding in the museum!
Realistic and fantastic figures, as well as happy, melancholic, grumpy, or mocking ones... After discovering them with the help of a map and observing them carefully, everyone can have fun by making their own mask, taking inspiration from the characters, animals and fantastic creatures you'll meet along the way.
*Surgical masks will be used in the workshop to be creatively decorated and used in addition to, not instead of, one's own face covering.
€ 8,00 € per family
info and bookings: Servizi educativi del museo, tel. 0461 492811 Mon>Fri 9>13 and 14>16
BOOKING REQUIRED: click here or call us!
Two bookings are required: 1 for admission and 1 for the workshop (1 hour after entering the museum). The visit to the museum is self-guided, while the workshop - with a museum educator - will be held for groups taking turns in the Educational Activities room.