At Carnival anything goes

Meetings and conferences - suitable for children , families

How many mysterious figures are hiding in the museum!

Realistic and fantastic figures, as well as happy, melancholic, grumpy, or mocking ones... After discovering them with the help of a map and observing them carefully, everyone can have fun by making their own mask, taking inspiration from the characters, animals and fantastic creatures you'll meet along the way.

*Surgical masks will be used in the workshop to be creatively decorated and used in addition to, not instead of, one's own face covering.


€ 8,00 € per family

info and bookings: Servizi educativi del museo, tel. 0461 492811 Mon>Fri 9>13 and 14>16

BOOKING REQUIRED: click here  or call us!

Two bookings are required: 1 for admission and 1 for the workshop (1 hour after entering the museum). The visit to the museum is self-guided, while the workshop - with a museum educator - will be held for groups taking turns in the Educational Activities room.

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