Aurelio Bulzatti | Suspended Time

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From an idea by Vittorio Sgarbi. Curated by Gabriele Lorenzoni

The Mart is hosting a major exhibition on Aurelio Bulzatti, one of the interpreters of the new season of figurative art in the early 1980s.

Based in Rome, he is one of those artists who experiments with and theorises on the return to painting, the interest in the evoked image and the study of traditional painting techniques. He has collaborated with Plinio De Martiis’ gallery, La Tartaruga, exhibited at the Venice Biennale curated by Maurizio Calvesi, and participated in two Quadriennali in Rome. He continues to work in Rome, and is appreciated by gallery owners, critics and cultural institutions.

Following a chronological journey consisting of 50 works, the exhibition "Aurelio Bulzatti. Il tempo sospeso [Aurelio Bulzatti. Suspended Time]" traces the artist’s entire career, distinguished by a constant linguistic and stylistic evolution while remaining rigorously consistent with the figurative premises of his beginnings. A significant group of previously unseen works, conceived and created especially for the spaces of the Mart, bear witness to his continuity and herald future trajectories.



Full price ticket € 15, reduced price ticket € 10 

The entry ticket for the Mart allows you to visit the collections and all the temporary exhibitions, Casa Depero in Rovereto and The Galleria Civica in Trento. Valid for 2 months.

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