Buon Natale, Babbo Natale (Merry Christmas, Santa Claus)

Drama - suitable for children , families
[ www.fondazioneaida.it]

Fondazione Aida, Alce Nero e Comune di Verona - Assessorato all'Istruzione
Buon Natale, Babbo Natale (Merry Christmas, Santa Claus)
Directed by Raffaele Latagliata 
Text by Pino Costalunga and Nicoletta Vicentini
With Pino Costalunga, Greta Magnani, Matteo Ferrari, Jessica Grossule 
Ensemble: Sebastiano Visparelli, Mattia Bignardi, Chiara Bonassina
Direction assistance: Gilda li Rosi
Original music and poetry Laura Facci
Arrangements Moreno Piccoli
Set design Gino Coppelli with the collaboration of Sara Ferrari 
Costumes Antonia Munaretti
Puppets and scenic equipment: Nadia Simeonova e Michela Cannoletta
Make-up: Flavio Cesaretti
Sound engineering technique: Epa Sound di Mirko Marogna
Recording studio: Max and Sound
Technician: Luca Lovato

From the age of 4



Full price € 6 – reduced price 3-12 year-old kids € 4 - 0-3 year-old kids and up from 4th children free

organization: Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara

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