Carneval dei Matarei, Mattarello

Cultural exhibitions and events , Folklore - suitable for children

The district of Mattarello in collaboration with  Gruppo Alpini di Mattarello, Gruppo Donne Mattarello, Circolo Oratorio Santi Anzoi, Comitato Permanente Associazioni e Gruppi (CO.P.A.G.), volunteers’fire brigade of  Mattarello, Mattarello Feste, Mamme Insieme, Torre Franca Junior choir, organizes the traditional carnival of Mattarello, scheduled for 8 February 2015 .

From 12.30 to 18.00: parade floats, entertainment shows, awards ceremony - awards will be given to parade floats and maskers’ groups taking part in the parade.

From 10.30 the Gruppo Alpini Mattarello offers hot soup; at 12.00 in piazzale Ergolding: macaroni, drinks and omelets.

organization: Municipality of Trento - Office for culture, tourism and youth policy

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