Children's Carnival 2022

Children's Carnival competition - theatrical incursions and pranks 

Cultural exhibitions and events , Folklore - suitable for children , families
Sunday 27 February

from 14.30 to 17.30| Courtyard of the Rosmini Oratory

Everybody in disguise

Greeting by the mini-mayor and mini-council at the opening of the Children's Carnival

Children's Carnival competition 

Throughout the afternoon a photographer will be taking photos of the masks that wish to take part in the competition.

On Friday 4 March at 16.00 the most beautiful masks will be awarded in Rovereto's Civic Library.

from 15.00.

All in Chorus

Small singing incursions at 15.00, 15.45, 16.30

with the Minicoro of Rovereto

from 15.30

It's all a comedy!

Theatrical incursions and carnival jokes at 15.30, 16.15, 17.00

with the actors, dancers and musicians of Bottega Buffa CircoVacanti (Laura Mirone, Veronica Risatti, Veronica Zurlo) and Collettivo Clochart (Gabriele Parillo, Laura Pece, Daniela Savoldi)

theatrical costumes by Cristina Sente

In case of bad weather, the event on Sunday 27 February will be postponed to Tuesday 1 March.

The events will be held in full compliance with the Covid-19 safety regulations.

The workshops are free, participants will take turns.

Info: @carnevalerovereto and on the facebook page:@carnevalerovereto

Event published by Comune di Rovereto
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