Fairy tale night 2017

Sherlock Holmes

Cultural exhibitions and events - suitable for children , families
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Four days big fête in Riva del Garda with music, plays, market, tales, theatre and... fireworks on saturday night 26.8!

There is  a such summernight where Riva dresses itself with coloured  costumes to celebrate a fable that continues since decennia. The sky, the mountains, the lake, the streets and the people light up: they repeat the fairy tale in an environment so beautiful that it will  exceed the original fantasy.
«Sherlock Holmes » is the fable we will see this year at Riva del Garda’s most traditional fête.

The fable will be told through the entertainments in the historical centre during the four days of the event, which  is transformed and animated due to the giant scene-paintings representing the main characters and scenes of the fairy tale. 
Theather performances, concerts, animation and guided routes with the costume characters, music and games. 
Saturday night 26th Sherlock Holmes and his cheerful company will light the firework to brighten the colours of Riva del Garda’s bay in a great spectacular.

 Source: www.gardatrentino.it  


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