Fantasy family bestiary

"Museum workshops"

Meetings and conferences , Workshop - suitable for children

Inspired by the grotesques in the picture gallery of the Riva del Garda Museum, the museum staff will guide children in the creation of their own personal bestiary, made up of members of their own family.

The subjects of the grotesque decorations include hybrid fantasy creatures such as unicorns, fauns and griffins.

Hence the idea to interweave the most striking physical and personal characteristics of one's family members with natural elements to create new fantastic creatures, made with paper, scissors and colours.

The materials needed for this workshop are: A4 paper or cardboard, drawing pencils, twine, scissors, coloured pencils, wax crayons.

Here's the facebook page  to join the event.


free event

workshops for boys and girls aged 5 to 11, live on Facebook from the picture gallery of the Museum of Riva del Garda. 

All you need to do is get the materials you need to make your creations; you can explore the museum remotely, giving free rein to your creativity.

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