Holiday on Mart spring

Two days of activities for children during the Easter holidays

Cultural exhibitions and events - suitable for families , children

During the Easter holidays the Mart education programme proposes activities for children aged 5 - 12, so that they can experience the museum actively. 

The Mart Education Area offers flextime, lunch and snack included, and it is also possible to join individual days and obtain reductions for siblings. 

At the Mart of Rovereto, children can enjoy a creative experience of informal education, by experimenting the techniques and languages of contemporary art while visiting the exhibition rooms and taking part in different workshops.

The events are organised by the Mart Education Area and skilled educators who have collaborated for long with the Museum in carrying out projects involving schools and families.

Holiday on Mart will accept children aged 5 - 12, in the order of entry.


Information and bookings: tel. 0464 454135 or 0464 454108; email:

organization: Mart - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Rovereto

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