Il cielo degli Orsi (The Bears' sky)

The family loved ones as a response to the great questions of life

Drama - suitable for children , families

Acting company: Teatro Gioco Vita

With: Deniz Azhar Azari, Andrea Coppone

Theatre direction and scenes: Fabrizio Montecchi

The Bears' sky consists of two stories. The first tells of a bear who longs to be a father; the second one tells about a bear who, saddened by the death of his grandfather, would like to reach him.
For them both, the infinite sky seems to be the only place where their questions can be met; however, at the end of their quest, they understand that the answer is to be found on Earth.

The bear finds it in a nice she-bear that appears alongside and with whom he will spend spring; on the other hand, the little bear finds his answer in the reassuring certainties of his family loved ones who take care of him, so that he will overcome his pain and realize that life is his most beautiful sky.

Runtime: about 1 hour

Recommended for children over 3 years old


After each show children will be offered a nice snack and some entertainment.


Next to the Teatro Cuminetti, a family room is available for children and their parents who can play there while waiting for the show to begin; families can also join there to exchange impressions after the show. With its colourful and functional furniture, the family room is ideal for your afternoon at the theatre!

Certified organizations "Family in Trentino":


Admission to 8 shows: 30,00 € (on Saturdays or Sundays; the show scheduled on 08/01/2017 takes place on Sunday only).


  • CHILDREN (aged 3-12) 4,00 €
  • ADULTS 6,00 €
  • CHILDREN under 3 - season ticket / Free admission
  • From the fourth son/daughter - season ticket / Free admission

- Free tickets and free season tickets have to be picked up at the theatre ticket office. In case tickets have been bought elsewhere, you have to send an email to specifying name, surname and the numbber of free tickets required (at least 24 hours before the show).

- The shows last about one hour.

- The seat is booked until the precise time of beginning of the show, not further.

- There are no breaks, and it's not allowed to enter the theatre after the beginning of the show.

- For further information on Sunday, it's possible to call this number: 0461-213826 (from 14.00) 

organization: Centro servizi culturali S. Chiara

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