Kid Pass Days: kids-friendly culture and fun

8th edition of the marathon of events for families to discover the local cultural, historical, artistic and scientific heritage

Cultural exhibitions and events , Meetings and conferences , Other - suitable for families , children

On Saturday 14 May the “Kid Pass Days ”, are back, the eighth edition of the marathon of events dedicated to families to discover Italy's cultural, historical, artistic and scientific heritage and spread the word about the accessibility of child-friendly culture. A new feature of this year's edition is the contest "Una storia al museo" (A story at the museum), a collection of stories and creative materials to tell the story of museums from the point of view of children.

1 - Trento, Spazio Archeologico Sotterraneo del Sas | Sas Underground Archaeological Space under piazza Cesare Battisti, at 10.30, 11.30, 15.00, 16.00

“A spasso per Tridentum” (“Strolling around Trento”), a fun game that will take families on a fascinating journey to discover the ancient Roman city, to understand in a playful way interesting facts and aspects of daily life of those who lived on the banks of the Adige two thousand years ago. 

*Participation is free; booking required by phone: 0461 230171 by 17.30 on the previous day. Admission to the site subject to payment.

2 -  Parco Archeo Natura | Archaeological Park "Archeo Natura" of Fiavé at 14.00

"Visit to the village on the disappearing water" a plunge into prehistory to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the pile-dwelling village of Fiavé and touch upon some aspects of the life of our Bronze Age ancestors.

3 - Fiavé, Museo delle Palafitte | Pile-Dwelling Museum of Fiavé at 15.30 

"The Museum of Hidden Stories", a workshop for families, inspired by the reading of some stories from the "Born to read" bibliography, invites children and adults to create an original illustrated book, inspired by one or more of the exhibits in the museum.

*Participation is free; booking required by phone: 3351578640 by 18.00 on the previous day. Admission fee.

4 - Sanzeno, Museo Retico di Sanzeno | Rhaetic Museum of Sanzeno at 14.30 and 16.30 

"MemoRetico" to play with a very special memory game, going through the "time well" in search of clues that will lead to the discovery of some particularly curious exhibits in the museum rooms. At the end, participants will try their hand at a copper embossing workshop to create a personal amulet to remind them of the experience. 

*Participation is free; booking required by phone: 3334686682 by 17.30 on the previous day. Entrance fee.


Further info and programme

(Source: from the Press Office of the Autonomous Province of Trento )

Further info:
Provincia autonoma di Trento - Soprintendenza per i beni culturali (Department for Cultural Heritage)

Ufficio beni archeologici (Archaeological Heritage Office)
Via Mantova, 67 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 492161

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