Explore an endless world

Are you aged between 6 and 14?
Click here on Kids Go Green #IoRestoACasa, if you want to discover the world!
multimedia paths designed by experienced educators
geographical expeditions in the regions of Italy, to discover its architectural and landscape beauties
visits to some of the most beautiful museums in the world
time travels to learn more about ancient civilizations
discovery of the great scientists of history
open doors to scientific experiments at home
new topics to explore the days go by, new stages will be added to continue the explorations
Fairy tales - Trees of the world
Art -_Discovering the Art Museums in the world
History - Discovering ancient civilizations
On the initiative of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler, in collaboration with the social cooperative Kaleidoscopio and the support of ITAS Mutua and Cassa Centrale Banca.
The project was born with the aim of supporting children, young people and their families in this period of emergency and is part of the Kids Go Green platform, already used by several schools in Trentino and in some municipalities of Emilia Romagna.