Marco Lodola, Starry Night. Invitation to court - curated by Camilla Nacci

29th edition of the great sculpture exhibition at the Castello di Pergine 

exhibition , Art exhibition

The Fondazione CastelPergine on the occasion of the twenty-ninth edition (the fourth of its conception) of the great sculpture exhibition at the Castello di Pergine presents – in collaboration with the Studio d’Arte Raffaelli of Trento – the “artist of light” Marco Lodola with a series of monumental works, luminous sculptures and tapestries placed outside the Castle and in the rooms of the Baronale Palace.

To the rhythm of a courtly dance that winds through the centuries up to the present, Marco Lodola imagines to populate the Castle of Pergine of bright characters. The contextualized sculptures inside and outside the castle also give back to the audience that observes them the pleasure of “shining for a special occasion”, evoking moments of worldliness and conviviality that assume today more than ever a precious value.

Light, dance and history of art the main threads of the exhibition, which, in parallel to the artistic career of Marco Lodola are intertwined with the history and the stories guarded by the walls of the castle, highlighting hidden places and illuminating some shady areas, in continuity with the site-specific vocation of the events at the Castle.

On the second floor of the Baronale Palace, the exhibition “Homage to Kafka” continues, involving in this second edition the same Marco Lodola and other artists invited to confront the author and his suggestions.

The exhibition will open Saturday, May 7, 2022 at 4 pm- Vernissage and concert: Adele Pardi duo featuring Noirêve with Adele Pardi, Matteo Cuzzolin and Janet Dappiano in arte Noirêve. Vocals, saxophone, cello, electronics.



Guided visit only, booking required, to: Prato della Rocca and second floor of the Palazzo Baronale.

Guided tour of the exhibition and the castle: duration 1 h 30', open donation.

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