Master Shakespeare
by Giulio Federico Janni and Mario Giorgi
Drama , Drama

Master Shakespeare - Giulio Federico Janni [
Teatro di Pergine]
by Giulio Federico Janni e Mario Giorgi
with Giulio Federico Janni
set and costume design Michela Cannoletta and Nadezhda Simeonova
co-direction Sara Santolini
direction Giulio Federico Janni
production Raumtraum in collaboration with ariaTeatro
An ironic and moving monologue that runs through Shakespeare's work thanks to a real-life character, Anew McMaster (1894-1962), the last of the great British head-comedian/main comedian leaders of a theatre company who has never appeared in the cinema or on television.
(Translation by Denis Cova, Sophie M. Scholl Language High School, Trento - “School and Work Project”)
- full price ticket € 12;
- reduced price ticket and Amici dei teatri membership card € 10;
- reduced price ticket for CastelPergine Onlus Foundation members € 8
part of:
Theatre at the Castle
organization: Aria Teatro