Researchers' Night 2023
The Researchers' Night (Notte della RICERCA ) is back on 29 September from 17.00, the event that turns the spotlight on science.

Meetings with researchers, demonstrations, performances, live music, and much more will give us a behind-the-scenes look at science, the professions of research, and its impact on everyday life.
17:00 MUSE Park
Institutional greetings
Greetings by the organizing authorities and research organizations, and opening of Researchers' Night 2023.
17:00 to midnight, MUSE Exhibition Halls.
Demo and hands-on stands
Let's join and experiment with small demonstrations and dialogue with researchers, to discover how rich the world of research is around us.
21.00, MUSE Café terrace
Final Event.
Performance by Chimicazza, an organic chemist specialized in green chemistry.
22.30, MUSE Café terrace
B-ing bang performance
The event is organized by FBK – Fondazione Bruno Kessler, FEM – Fondazione Edmund Mach, MUSE - Science Museum and University of Trento with the collaboration of the Autonomous Province of Trento and Trentino Marketing, under the patronage of the Municipality of Trento and with the participation of Fondazione CARITRO and the National Research Council.