The Mart’s Beautiful Summer

As part of the cultural project Galassia Mart, with which the museum in Rovereto supports exhibition projects in the Trentino region, we present The Mart’s Beautiful Summer [Bella Estate del Mart], in collaboration with the Municipality of Villa Lagarina and the Guerrieri Gonzaga Park. Three exhibitions in three locations will be running from 17 June.
Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli: portraits
A project by Sonya Beretta, Giorgio Conta, Giacomo Fornari, and Luca Pedrotti. Curated by Denis Isaia
Produced by: Association Musica in aulis, Mart, Monteverdi Conservatory of Bolzano, Municipality of Villa Lagarina.
Mart, Rovereto 21 June − 27 August 2023
Palazzo Libera, Villa Lagarina, 21 June − 8 October 2023
Split between two venues, the Mart Rovereto and Palazzo Libera in Villa Lagarina, the exhibition is a tribute to Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, one of the greatest pianists of the 20th century, who was born in Brescia in 1920 and died in Lugano in 1995. A series of portraits dedicated to the musician are on exhibit at the Mart and Palazzo Libera.
26 pictures taken between 1949 and 1963 by Enrico and Luca Pedrotti make up the largest group of portraits directly commissioned and authorised by the artist.
There are also 17 paintings, sketches, drawings and sculptures selected from the series that Livio Conta created over the years at the specific request of Benedetti Michelangeli, to whom he was a confidant and friend.
With side events and in-depth panels, the exhibition will take the public through concerts, debates and guided listening sessions to discover a controversial artist whose contribution is still lauded today by music critics.
Michelangeli was deeply attached to Trentino and Alto-Adige/Südtirol, and taught at the Monteverdi Conservatory in Bolzano. In addition to his passion for classical music, he also had an interest in mountain choirs, and donated several pieces to them, mainly written for the SAT choir in Trento.
Pietro Weber. The Warriors of the Park
From an idea by Vittorio Sgarbi. Curated by Gabriele Lorenzoni
Guerrieri Gonzaga Park, Villa Lagarina, 17 June-29 October
Shapes, colours, references to popular culture and traditional terracotta typify the work of Pietro Weber, an artist from Trentino who has been experimenting with form and colour in ceramic sculpture since the 1990s. His works reveal exotic influences and explicit references to the artistic languages of the 20th century: a period during which ceramics gained a space within the fluid mediums that characterised the contemporary era in Italy, particularly thanks to the work of Lucio Fontana, Fausto Melotti and Leoncillo.
In the exhibition, a significant group of totemic outdoor sculptures interact with the centuries-old plants in the park, glades and flowerbeds. The exhibition is completed by a site-specific installation that interacts with the body of water and its reflection and the artificial grotto that make up the central portion of the park. Architecture and nature, man-made space and animal space, symbol and object, become one in an exhibition that seems to spontaneously sprout out of the park’s earth.
Carlos Solito. Humanity, the Faces in Time
From an idea by Vittorio Sgarbi
Guerrieri Gonzaga Park (Sala delle botti), Villa Lagarina, 17 June − 29 October 2023
Carlos Solito is a writer, photographer, journalist and filmmaker. The solo exhibition dedicated to him by Mart at the Guerrieri Gonzaga Park consists of 34 large-format photographs featuring the faces of ordinary people that the photographer has captured in close connection with the places of his own life: villages, churches, simple streets, the seashore, the edge of a cliff.
Born in Grottaglie, in the province of Taranto, Solito began travelling the world from a very early age and has contributed to numerous national magazines and newspapers, producing travel reportages. He directs short films and documentaries. His photographs have been exhibited in several countries and he has published over twenty illustrated books for major Italian publishers. He is the author of the short story collection Il contrario del sole (Versante Sud, 2010) and Montagne (Elliot, 2012) with Dacia Maraini, Paolo Rumiz, Maurizio Maggiani, Franco Arminio, Andrea Bocconi and others. He is also the author of the novels Sciamenesciá (Elliot, 2016), La ballata dei Sassi and Troppa notte intorno a me (both published by Sperling & Kupfer in 2019 and 2021). For Rizzoli he published Sogno a Sud (2020) and La luce che non ti ho raccontato (2022).
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