Unworthy lives

One-act play by Renzo Fracalossi with the Club Armonia
Unworthy Lives deals with a lesser known yet brutal chapter of the tragedy of the Shoah.
It enquires in fact into the material and intellectual contribution of German medicine to the extermination of those Hitler had already defined “lives unworthy to be lived”. The extermination began even before the war with euthanasia and sterilisation projects collected in the contest of the so-called “Aktion T4”.
The play aims in this way - and this is a simple and at the same time complicated objective- to tell the audience the unscrupulous enthusiasm of scientists and pupils of Esculapio and Ippocrate in a delirious pursuit seeking to the discovery of something stunning and to the conception of a “biologically pure race”.
It results a shocking portrayal of what the absence of boundaries in the scientific research can produce and which level of abjection can reach when science lends itself to politics and becomes its slave.
Remembering this story today means not only to cast a sympathetic glance at the past, but also to reflect on the present and the future.
Encore perfomances:
Wednesday, 27 January, at 20.30, Azienda provinciale per i servizi sanitari, Trento,Via A. Degasperi, 79
Thursady, 28 January, at 20.30 Library of Cles
Friday, 29 January, at 20.30 Sala Maier of the Library of Pergine Valsugana
Monday, 1 February, at 20.30 Conference Room of the Municipality of Tione
Tuesday, 2 February, at 20.30 Theatre San Pietro di Mezzolombardo
Friday, 5 February, at 20.30 Library of Fiera di Primiero