The Sounds of the Dolomites 2023
The music festival in the most beautiful mountains of the world

Every end of summer in Trentino, music and nature come together on the natural stage of the Dolomites. Join the musicians and climb the paths to the alpine meadows, clearings, hollows and peaks. Up there, where music intertwines with the landscape, plays with the echoes, and flies away on the flurries of the wind.
The majestic and ancient Italian Alps have an enchanting and marvellous charm. 'I Suoni delle Dolomiti' | The Sounds of the Dolomites began as a way to embody the spirit of the mountains and celebrate their wonder. The 28-year spiritual journey the festival has been on since then is fully described and explored within the pages of the new Manifesto .
I Suoni delle Dolomiti is an utterly unique experience — artists and audience sharing a journey together in the scenic surroundings of the highlands,
where music and nature come together. In the stillness of dawn, as you doggedly ascend the mountains, words and musical notes mingle with the sounds of nature.
Per tutti gli # e/o eventuali modifiche al programma, consultare il sito ufficiale… = For all updates and possible variations in the programme, go to the official website: