Agosto Degasperiano 2016 (August with De Gasperi 2016)

Border stories at the centre of history

Meetings and conferences

On August 1954 Alcide De Gasperi died: Italy and the world lost a great man. However, his ideas remained, a legacy that the Alcide De Gasperi Trentino Foundation collects in the Museo Casa De Gasperi of Pieve Tesino and re-elaborates in the festival August with De Gasperi 2016.

A programme of events, theater pieces, interviews with witnesses and scholars, films, performing arts and more, which integrates the traditional appointment of the Lectio degasperiana (lecture on De Gasperi) and the commemorations of the statesman's death.
The festival this year brings us to discover new corners of the Valsugana and Tesino and helps us to investigate an essential theme that De Gasperi's experience still casts on our present: the issue of borders. Not just those that we find on maps, not just those of states and treaties, but in particular those borders that mark the everyday lives of many people. As such, whether they are obvious or hidden, they deserve to be placed with courage to the centre of history.


Free admission to all events 

In case of bad weather the location could be varied.

organization: Fondazione Trentina Alcide De Gasperi (Alcide De Gasperi Trentino' s Foundation)

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